Thursday, October 12, 2006


The first thought that struck me when I read about Orhan Pamuk's winning the Nobel for Literature was that finally, I've read a Nobel Prize author before (s)he won the Nobel. My second thought was that it's a definite sign of growing old.

Pamuk had come highly recommended by the Milo-man, but somehow I'd never gotten around to reading him. As Milo-man threatened fasts unto death et al, I finally took the plunge last month when I began his latest work, Snow. And it mesmerised me. It spun webs around me thick and fast, and I emerged it from it, 3 weeks later, awed by the book. At one point, I actually thought the book would sit up and talk to me with words of wisdom and sadness - it was that good. And no, I wasn't smoking hallucinatory substances, thank you very much.

More interestingly, when I'd just begun Snow, DK2 happened to see the book, and mentioned that Pamuk was in the front-running for the Nobel. I didn't think much of it, till I found out how clairvoyant DK2 was. Did you make any money on that call, mate?


Blogger Mr. D said...

Smoking hallucinatory substances is not a bad thing, really... It might be illegal in some places though.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Nothing Spectacular said...

(in aussie accent) can you le(i)nd me the book, ma(i)te?

1:47 AM  
Blogger The Invizible Man said...

d, i agree with smoking h.s. not being bad. but i'm worried that if somebody from the GoI (Gods of (the Indian) Internet) reads my blog and wonders if i'm smoking said hallucinatory substances, he/she/it might block blog access. therefore, disclaimer strategically placed.

n-s, sure thing, mate!

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not just a sign of growing old, N, also a sure indicator of your high nerd quotient :)

5:17 PM  
Blogger The Invizible Man said...

i guess i do have a high NQ ;)

5:34 PM  

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