Monday, August 21, 2006

Aimbathi ainthu fifty-five is known in Tam-land. Am continuing the story series that worthies, Bangalore Bytes, Chamique, Recluse, Mr. D and Dhoomketu, have started and continued - all 55 word pieces. Have attached the whole story here, with my 55 bits, pliss to continue:
The airplane had been airborne an hour when she entered the toilet. She looked into the mirror and hated the girl of twenty going on sixty that she saw. The horrors she had seen and the family she had lost….

She mixed lip-gloss with Vaseline, stuck her mobile in the goo and walked out.



Between the clothes, she tucked in small surprises. Moisturising lotion for her grandmother. Seaweed hair gel for her grandfather. The cologne her brother had been hinting at...

Later, she realised her lip-gloss had been checked in as well.
Maybe she’d ask the girl next to her for some when she got back from the toilet.


A bit of the viscid mixture was still on her fingers as she opened the door. She quickly massaged it into her full, round lips. Salty.

A kafir watched her and smiled appreciatively.



Somewhere, Akram sat staring at the bottle in his hand.


He'd given her the cyanide paste instead of the vaseline.


She looked sort of hot (in an Asian way), though not friendly. That made him think. In the end he decided to give it a go, anyhow.

"May I borrow your vaseline, please? It's dry in here"

He added a friendly but restrained smile for effect. She looked around uncomfortably. He tried to look cool.


She handed him the empty tube.

"It's not mine, it's available in the restroom. Go get one for yourself."

It was the friendliest she could be with kafirs.

She licked her lips again while sitting down. Salty.

Somewhere in her bag, the vaseline bottle had leaked open. Akram didn’t know that and pulled the trigger.


First, cyanide for Vaseline, and now, a jammed trigger. Akram wasn’t having a great day.
Empty tube in hand, Grober made a beeline for the restroom. I should have killed the bitch. Oh well, there’s still an hour to go before we land. He smiled cruelly. And saw the phone. The phone of his dreams.


Blogger blr bytes said...

One more! Welcome...

Now all we need is someone to end the story...

5:08 PM  
Blogger The Invizible Man said...

yup, y not you take it up and finis what you started? :)

4:03 PM  
Blogger blr bytes said...

So, I've ended it. In the comments.

Pity, it was quite the chain...

But it's Friday again!

10:03 AM  
Blogger The Invizible Man said...

nice finish... there were too many sub-plots to wrap together in 55 words!

3:05 PM  
Blogger dhoomketu said...


11:45 AM  

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