Coffee is the spice
Interesting Dilbert strips happened last week. It started with this one:
And then continued with this:

Followed by this beauty:

If you're a Dilbert fan, in all probability, you've read this - so what's the big deal, you ask? Chances are that you've also read Frank Herbert's SF/Fantasy masterpiece, Dune. Well, this is why it's interesting - Dilbert's coffee seems to have the strange properties of the melange spice found on Planet Arrakis - Dilbert's prescience and heightened awareness seem unnaturally similar to the effect of the spice on Paul Atreides in Dune. It could be a coincidence, or it could be that Paul Atreides is a descendant (several hundred generations removed, of course) of Dilbert?!
I need some coffee. And something to do on a Sunday evening!!
(This is not my first post on Dilbert's relation to other fictional characters - this was the first.)

If you're a Dilbert fan, in all probability, you've read this - so what's the big deal, you ask? Chances are that you've also read Frank Herbert's SF/Fantasy masterpiece, Dune. Well, this is why it's interesting - Dilbert's coffee seems to have the strange properties of the melange spice found on Planet Arrakis - Dilbert's prescience and heightened awareness seem unnaturally similar to the effect of the spice on Paul Atreides in Dune. It could be a coincidence, or it could be that Paul Atreides is a descendant (several hundred generations removed, of course) of Dilbert?!
I need some coffee. And something to do on a Sunday evening!!
(This is not my first post on Dilbert's relation to other fictional characters - this was the first.)
those are very cool cartoons buddy :-) where is my tub of coffee....
Why don't mail him at and point out the coincidence? I did once and actually got a reply. And if he writes about it and links your post in the process, your hit count would hit the roof !
thanks, n-s. your cup of coffee is in the cafeteria, mein freund :)
super tip, ravi, thanks a ton. did mail him... let's see if he responds!
As usual, Dilbert at his best! There's so much that we learn from him.
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